Final Project

Topics Covered

"The ultrasonic sensor ruler "

For my final project,i have chosen to design and create a ultrasonic sensor ruler


Original Idea/concept:

Originally, i wanted to create a "shy box" which closes when someone approaches it. However, it didnt seem like a good idea as it was impratical and didnt help solve any problems i had.

New idea

The new idea was to create a ultrasonic sensor ruler,which could determine the distance of between the user and a wall or object.This is particularly useful if you are an engineer and need to quickly get simple measurements.

This new idea was more practical and much more useful.

Bill of materials:

A bill of materials or product structure is a list of the raw materials, sub-assemblies, intermediate assemblies, sub-components, parts, and the quantities of each needed to manufacture an end product

Cable connections

The cable connections for this new idea is fairly simple, as it contains only wiring for one LCD display and one ultrasonic sensor.

Luckily, the LCD display was fitted with a module that only had 4 pins,VCC,GND,SDA,SLC.

connections are as follows:

Arduino Coding

The coding was originally almost 60 lines of code but i have found a simpler method of coding in the form of libraries.

Libraries are a compilation of previously done codes which allows for special commands. Libraries can be added by downloading ZIP files from online platforms such as Arduino Libraries
Adding libraries are simple just use the "#include libraries" command at the start of your arduino code

The completed code looks like this


After spending much time on the project, i had finally managed to get the whole project to life, which meant that it was finally working and i was very excited to try it out.
Please understand that the end product currently is still a prototype and there is still much room for improvement.Which includes:

Measurement Accuracy is at ± 2% so there is only a small margin for error and hence it is Fairly accurate.

One Presentation Slide:

Video Presentation: